Wednesday, November 08, 2017

BCS Exam Date selection for 37th's viva-voice & 38th's preliminary

Advertisement of BCS exam Date selection for 37th  viva-voice & 38th's preliminary has been published by the authority. See the hole post carefully for circular & admit download link . To know details please read the post carefully.


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To download the admit card for the Post "Upzila Coordinator" of Ekti Bari Ekti Khamar (EBEK) read this post carefully. Or you can download it from here @ or

A huge number of bank is being produce under the Bangladesh bank. Different time, Bangladesh Krishi Bank is being published the circular to recruit human resource. Usually, this type of job circular is too much important to unemployed people. To get the job in banking sector,all candidate should pass the specific exam. Bangladesh krishi bank, rupali bank,Janata bank,Pubali bank,Sonali bank,Basic bank is government bank that is under the Bangladesh bank. You can get all bank related information in or

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The Public Service Commission (PSC) has made some decisions regarding 37, 38 and 39th BCS.Today, a decision on the three BCS decisions was taken at a special meeting held at the PSC office in Agargaon on Tuesday.

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According to the decision, the oral test of the 37th BCS will begin on the 29th of this month. The preliminary examination of 38th BCS will be held on December 29. The PSC will send a proposal to amend the 39th BCS rules to amend the public administration. It has been decided to special BCS. Decision on sending the respective papers to the Ministry of Public Administration for permission.

Asked about the three decisions taken by PSC chairman Mohammad Sadiq in the first light, he said, "We are working with more than one BCS so that the average time is low."He also said, 'We wanted to test the 38th preliminary test on December 21.But due to the election of Rangpur city corporation that day is not possible. But this test can happen in late December.

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37th BCS: The results of the written test of 37th BCS were published on October 25. It has 5,379 passes. The written examination of the 37th BCS ended on May 23 this year. Oral test can be done in late November.The preliminary examination of the 37th BCS Preliminary Examination was held on 30th September last year. Two lakh 43 thousand 476 examinees took part in this. 8 thousand 523 people passed the primary examination. However, 8 thousand 31 participants took part in the written examination.On February 29, the PSC published the notification of the 37th BCS for appointing 1,226 people as first class gazetted officers. Candidates have to apply for this BCS examination from March 31 to May 2.

38th BCS: This BCS application process has already ended. The application process is completed on August 10 this BCS.In this 3 lakh 46 thousand 532 candidates applied for the application. The PSC will publish 2,244 cadre officers in this BCS. Preliminary test may be done at the end of December.

According to PSC sources, 300 cadres of Administration cadre, 100 cadres of police cadre and 38 cadre general cadre, 520 in technical cadre, 549 in technical and professional cadres and 955 posts in education cadres.

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39th BCS: Ministry of Health and PSC sources said 4,442 assistant surgeons and 250 assistant dental surgeons will be taken to 39th BCS. About five thousand doctors will be taken in all these BCS examinations. The Health Ministry said this number may increase further.

News Source : Prothom Alo

Primary selected candidate for the post of Assistant Vice President (SPO Equivalent) of Probashi Kallyan Bank [download]


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See the picture below for more information of the circular


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